All in 1 Service Model
No packages, everything included
✓ Move away from traditional methods of organization.
✓ Integrate your IT services into a Cloud structure, such as Microsoft office 365, Microsoft Azure, Dropbox, etc.
✓Streamline your services within a budget.
✓ 24/7/365 monitoring of network performance
✓ No waiting time to troubleshoot your issues.
✓ Keep your data safely backed up offsite, with incremental backups that can be replicated and stored for recovery in the event of a disaster or other emergency.
✓ Your data is backed up offsite, but what about your voice, video, and databases? We offer comprehensive disaster recovery service solutions including virtual servers, server-less computing, and cloud hosting.
✓ Continue business as usual even during a disaster.
✓ Get access to a comprehensive security solution that helps protect your critical data, sensitive information, and intellectual property from security threats.
✓ Threats include cyberattacks, insider fraud, malicious insiders, and the theft and loss of patient data.
✓ Our virtual CIOs provide you with the guidance, advice, and expertise you need to ensure that your technology strategy remains on track.
✓ Plan for your growth by working with you on a technology plan and mapping out requirements.
✓ Meet your business goals by analyzing your priorities and accelerating work toward them.
✓ The CIO will assess how you're working with technology today and determine which solutions would be best for your future.
✓ Includes assessments, design, implementation, and management of the technologies needed in your organization.
✓ Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the clinical processes.
✓ Evolve your organization's information systems to keep pace with the constantly evolving technology.
✓ Maximize the business value of a new technology system.
✓ Training & full-time support of your organization's clinical IT staff.